
in this game you play as a dungeon master of a d&d campaign. 

your party got into a dungeon they can't win, now you need to fudge your dice rolls to their favor in order to not TPK them!

the problem is,  you can't just change all the dice rolls to your players favor, because they will understand that the game is too easy, so you need to let them get hit in order to earn their trust.

Me and my friend worked a lot on this game and it was a blast! my friend did all the art and I handled the coding and animation.


your party consists of a ranger, a fighter and a cleric - the ranger will use her dice to attack, the fighter will use his dice to defend  and the cleric will use her dice to heal the most damaged party member.

every time one of your party members takes damage, and at the start of every turn, you gain 1 point of trust, you can use your trust points in order to manipulate the dice on the field.

- enemies attack from bottom to top.
- cleric will heal the party member with the most missing HP.
-when a party member dies you gain 4 trust, dead party members will revive after the next fight with 1 HP.


"Call to Adventure" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


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This is a nice little gem of a game! I'm both quite glad I found it, and sad that it doesn't seem like many others have. Also, I wonder if a no fudge run is possible? 

Hi! Thank you so much for playing. A no fudge run is technically possible, but really really unlikely.